Which flower is in the picture?
Correct answer: Tulip
beautiful tulips can be found in keukenhof in the Netherlands..I can attest to it
tip toe through the tulips 🌷
little b
i dont like tulip flowers
thein zaw tun
i like tht flower
I Got Told Years Ago You Can REPLANT ANY Part of a Tulip and More Will Grow Back.
my favorite flower
Byrde Alpha Bitch
"Tulip Mania" has an interesting story behind it. Check it out. Gotta love tulips. Bad Joke Warning: What's better than roses on a piano? Two lips (tulips) on my organ.
I love my tulips 🌷
Player #9209393, Ooooo cool and that's so so so corect
My mum knows tulips those are her favourite flowers 💐
But what is in the top left corner? A cup of tea? Am I supposed to drink tea when gazing at tulips? Do tulips like tea? Why is this in the picture? Am I overthinking this? Is this what is called artistic expression? Clearly I have no idea what tulips and tea have to do with one another. 😏😳🙄🙄🙄
Akshara A :)
tulip garden
Player #41788078
tip toe