What gives blue cheeses their unique taste and look?

Correct answer: Mold

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #8197877
Player #8197877
Nicole, it's been eaten safely by humans for such a long time. if you like it then continue eating it. I personally love all blue cheeses over many others.
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Player Say what!?
Nicole, I saw a film years ago of the slimy gross stuff dripping off the walls and ceiling of the Roquefort Cave and was so glad I didn't like it anyway. Blue cheese can come from just any ole cave, but to be called Roquefort, it has to come from that specific cave in France.
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
I am a real cheese head. I once had some 15 year older blue cheese. It was almost too strong. Made my eyes water...
I hate blue cheese.
Wow didn't know this...knowledge is powerful
love a Danish blue cheese, yummy!!
I didnt know mold was blue