In which country is 'Foxlease', the international Girl Guide training centre?
Correct answer: England

Old Fool
Mori, technically girl scouts came first, but unofficially.
The Boy Scouts organisation was created by Baden Powell in 1907.
In 1909 some girl scouts attended the annual camp and told Powell that they wanted to do the same thing as the boys.
So, in 1910, Powell created the Girl Guides organisation.
However some people felt that having a different name was not desirable and insisted on continuing to call themselves girl scouts and created their own organisation.

Ric meant to say Wales.

Wakes used to be a Principality (hence Charles the Prince of Wales. Recently it has been given the Status as a Devolved Nation. The same as Scotland

loco, scouts are an offshoot I believe. they are part of WAGGS...World association of girl guides and girls scouts. we see.scouts at all the international camps