Which poisonous yellow gas is commonly used in making toothpaste?
Correct answer: Fluorine

Better still, use a fluoride free toothpaste!

So flourine is poisonous but needed by every human

Player #41081547
The best toothpaste is made out of charcoal. No chemicals and it's been used for cleaning teeth for ages. It's also an anti inflammatory component.

Player #6852065
most toothpastes also have propeline glycol in them. Also found in anti- freeze.

I started having to have teeth removed or filled, every couple of months and could not work out why, because I’m not a big sugar eater, clean my teeth etc. it suddenly dawned on me, I was drinking bottled water, when I went back to drinking tap water, all problems with my teeth stopped. That’s good enough proof for me.

KarenH69878811, Not if you want strong teeth.

Player #6852065, I read that years ago.

Lorrie, my Grammy would put some creme de mint in it.

Lorrie, and it is natural

Balloons2Remember, its not needed.

I know baking soda and water is not a great taste. but works

use pure baking soda and water

Player #54957140
Saccharine is why we should not swallow toothpaste.

Player #14000764
it's Tulay, that is to your advantage by having parents who are scientists
know what chemicals to use and what's safe

it is flouride that us used, a naturally occuring mineral in water

I have used flourine toothpaste since I was born

it's Tulay
my mom and dad are scientists