Christopher Columbus never knew he explored the Americas. What did he discover in his opinion?
Correct answer: India

Fifi Sam, discovered it for the Europeans. but the Vikings should get credit for that actually. they were first.

I am not a number.
Fifi Sam,
If I say that I "discovered" a great little restaurant just a few miles from me, it doesn't mean that I was the first person in the world to find it. Clearly not.
I'd say folk like you should stop being offended by you misunderstanding of the use of a word.

Goodboy, lt was explained to me that the word "Discovered " was used becaused No one in the " Old World " knew that People and other Islands were on this side of the Globe.

unfortunately his "discovery" led to the brutal destruction of more than a few enlightened cultures.

not so clever Columbus .

Columbus raped and pillaged. He did not discover.

Ujaan Chaki
I guess that's why we call Americans red Indians

Player Cassibear
It's been proven he wasn't the first but should be credited for starting a trend of brave explorers who were willing to sail the high seas into the unknown to find new lands.