According to an idiom, what doesn't fall far from what?
Correct answer: Apple from the tree

never heard that one; we always heard the acorn doesn't fall far from the oak

little b
i don't like apples from the trees

quicksilver, oh never heard THIS one really

Krista, watermelons don't grow on trees.

not true the Bible said fruit it never said apple for all we know it could of been a watermelon

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Growing up, and even now, people say I look like my mother. My mother used to say that if I was good that I would grow out of it... Oops! Growing up, and even now people say that my son looks like me. I used the same line on him that my mother used on me. Once again... Oops! Too much fun being bad apples!

Player #17763543
I wouldn't call this an idiom but more of an adage or proverb

It’s The Dragon
Did Newton come up with this???

in bulgarian instead of an apple we are using pear :)