How many years did it take to build the Pyramid of Cheops?

Correct answer: 27

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What people think about it: 23 Comments
Old Fool
Old Fool
These days in most of the world it would take that long just to get planning permits.
Terrible  Toom
Terrible Toom
it has 0ver 2 million blocks .That means its impossible to place a block in to place fast enough for the structure to be built in that time frame.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Terrible Toom, you make a very interesting point! They estimate 2.3 million blocks which over a period of 27 years (just under 10,000 days) would mean cutting, transporting and laying between 230 & 240 blocks per day consistently. People have recently extrapolated that the workforce would have to average 13,200 people with a peak of 40,000.
Hope to visit this pyramid someday!
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Terrible Toom, of course there was always one guy, called Nefergifup, so would stay on for overtime at the end of his shift, pulling the blocks on his own. (that's just a joke in case anyone didn't get it)
Old Fool
Old Fool
Player blessedchica, Boats the deceased pharoah was supposed to use to take himself and his property (good, wives and slaves) to the stars in.
Player blessedchica, The God of the sky traveled across it in a boat, The Boat of the Sun. The boat is the solar barge.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, Now thats common sense thinking. ! ! !
Magala Hayirat
Magala Hayirat
And another thing i want to say I am a Ugandan
Pyramid is the best place for me 😍
Stacey Mazegill
Stacey Mazegill
Just so easy, I learned this at school when I was younger, I love learning about Egypt!
pyramids 😏 easy bro
Great pyramid of khufu yes
Player #31753367
Player #31753367
Have climbed through up inside the Great Cheops
same girl redelman
pyramids , mysterious place
Christmas Joy Girl
Christmas Joy Girl
I just chose the biggest number 😳
Player #72737827
Player #72737827
Imagine what humanity could do if we didn't have 9 to 5 slave chores and didn't worrier about matching outfits and McDonald's for our lunch brakes.
Methuli gajanayake
Methuli gajanayake
it was easy it's good I went to class
yes is that easy 🙏
I heard it took a long time for them to build but I couldn't remember so I went with the biggest number
LaudatoSi, me too if anyone is going to Egypt pls take me with pls
Khushi Sahu
Khushi Sahu
Are there any doors in pyramids?