Which country's flag is the only one in the world that can be flipped upside-down to indicate a state of war?
Correct answer: Philippines

The question is not very clear. Most flags when turned upside down indicate serious trouble, war, a sinking ship, natural disasters, etc. But with the Philippines the upside down situation is set in the law, which is unique, from what I understand.

Player #3138816
So at least show us the flag !!

Player #43697595
Hedwig, Thats really true. I agree with you.

An upside down union flag of the UK is a symbol of distress or danger. It comes from the bad times when we had outposts around Africa to show approaching friendlies if the outpost had been over run. I thought it was just us that did this.

hvnfun, there are documented times when the US flag has been flown upside down… basically in combat distress and extreme danger.

not only the Philippines, the Dominican Republic also flip its flag upside-down to indicates a state of war!

The 8 rays represent the 1st provinces that revolted against Spain. The Flag was sewn and made in Hong Kong while fighting continued at home country.

Most often,the Union Jack is flown upside down due to people not knowing the difference.

Hedwig, dami mong alam

Maffis, Same with the US.

Daisy, you mean the English flag

Frog, the Union Jack is only flown on ships. The British flag looks no different if flown upside down.

Wannabe Vulcan
Maffis, flipping a Union Jack sounds to my like flipping a Japanese flag -- how could you tell?

The answer should describe on what was the reason to flip the flag upside down.

Where is the Canadian flag???

player 31940911, it isn't, it is a tricolour, green, orange and white.