Which is true about Jill Price?
Correct answer: She was the first person diagnosed with hyperthymesia

Player Say what!?
It would be interesting to know if it's a burden. Are memories constantly running through her mind or only surface when she wants them to?

Alas Ken
At least she always knows where her phone, keys, remote, etc is...

Player #21324452
I bought memory foam slippers - in the hope they help me to remember why I went in the kitchen

Actress from Taxi, Marilu Henner, has it.

Player #42386032
I already forgot what were talking about .....

Exactly how is the accuracy of these memories from decades ago ever verified?

It's a blessing NOT to remember everything from your past...jus sayin...

There are lots of things that I wish I could forget, and no doubt plenty that I'm glad I have. Now. Where did I put my glasses?

Arohanui, "hyper" = accentuated; "thym" = memory; "esia" = syndrome or condition.

Tina, I knew she had it, but could not remember her name - I remembered she was on Taxi, could envisage her but her name - nothing. Thankyou, I won't be racking my brain trying to remember it now!

Just thinking of that makes my brain ache!

Miss Sue
Player #21324452, lol, that made me chuckle. thanks

Player #144300362
Scientist is spelled that way. Not scientest. Proof reading needed!!

oh gosh! I think my husband has something like that

The Silent Writer
thank you, Bright Side👍👍

hmf... all I can remember is the bad memories from age 5.

SidAj, It actually exceeds eidetic memory. It seems to be very, very rare. I think that it would ultimately be a terrible burden to bear.


PG, We have already been through this! Many words are spelled differently in America and Europe. "Right" and "wrong" depend on where you live. "Spelt" and "learnt" look odd and kind of hillbilly-ish to Americans, but I haven't seen anyone mention it in several months. Demanding that other people conform to your standards is not a successful strategy for life. I tried it in my 20s a little bit. It did not work.

Player #21324452, do you remember where you put the slippers?

Såûmyã Sîñgh
☞just miss☜

I kinda have something like that, I'm married and my wife won't let me forget anything, she's always right and she's never wrong.

Player #21324452, you’re funny! And, only because I can relate. I saved this page only to remember what you said, which is hilarious. Thanks for the memory (only puns intended).

Player: Coco, i guess it is the same as eidetic memory

Alas Ken, actually that's not how it works

Player Say what!?, I remember an episode form House MD where a patient with this condition receives a kidney or may be liver transplant from her sister but still wasn't able to forgive her for she has had done to her in childhood and teenage, she reversed her car and mulled her over

I bet they’d be good at this game

Player #130998363
I hope she did something with her life to help others.

All you guys are hilarious and make my day when I read your comments!! I’m not into social media cuz there’s nothing social about it! Or shud be called opinionated media, with a dash of judgyitis!! But all u truly have a great sense of humor!

I met a girl who would ask when you were born and could tell you the day of the week you were born. She was right when I remembered my mom telling me about the day I was born on a Sunday after she got home from church her water broke they headed to the hospital.

scientist spelled incorrectly.

Only 12 people in the world have been diagnosed with this condition, but 4 people in the comments section have it...

longer answer 👍

Scientist is misspelled.

I can't remember what I was going to say

Player #21324452, that made me laugh!

Did they forget how to spell SCIENTIST???

Player Say what!?, Yes, one of such patients did mention she can't get rid of some painful memories from decades ago, as she can recall every detail and that's miserable.

saw a series about this condition, it was a sad ending tho

Player #120374466
She would make a good witness in a court case.