What's the best known artificial international language?

Correct answer: Esperanto

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Pimpao +, How about we actually fully learn other languages? We're already headed towards"Idiocracy".
Player Fenian
Player Fenian
what an irritating party it would be if we all laid in wait to pounce on each other's errors....hmmm...this sounds familiar in this group
Lady V
Lady V
Way back when I was still in high school i had a teacher who was very passionate about Esperanto. I can see the benefits but I doubt it'll ever become a big thing. English, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese have become the major world languages.
Pimpao +
Pimpao +
Human evolution is taking us slowly to a Polyglots world, we just need to accept more each others expressions/languages into our own.
Destino Manifesto
Destino Manifesto
Player #326446, how about any language where you don't have to spell well? 😁
A wonderful concept, but it doesn't seem people are very willing to accept it.
I never knew anyone who spoke it. and few who even knew what it was
Destino Manifesto, try Chinese
Player #2056877
Player #2056877
LordlyCavalier54423, lol agreed
KGSHMM365, I think we're there. Reality show President!