Which term denotes the abandonment of Islam by a Muslim?
Correct answer: Apostasy

I did not understand this word being exclusive to Islam. Perhaps it is the only religion that punishes you for it.

Nearly 25% of Muslims in the US have abandoned Islam, saying that there is no personal dignity in Islam.

TaeGuk Kweenie
Apostasy is not exclusive to Islam.

Apostasy is actually a much more general term meaning the abandonment of one's religion, principles, party, etc. ( Gr apostasiā - a standing away, from 'apo' from, and 'stasis' a standing).
It was always the religions, however, that were far and away the most murderous towards their former adherents - Christianity used to be just as bad!

have no interest in religion, which is my choice. however, I don't understand why religious people try forcing their beliefs on me.

Player #25874027
It isn’t exclusive to Islam . Apostasy includes abandonment of any religion , but in the notes it says that in Islam it is called ‘murtad’.
In most places it’s actually called either good sense or evolution.

Mars V
Hud, Some people have to Catholic bash every time there’s a religion question.

Lorraine , 👍 remember also the inquisition in Spain/ Iberia, after a peaceful coexistence of the 3 religions, Catholicism was the only religion allowed with devastating/ horrific punishment to all others

Vx5cc no

Wolfgang, and pure evil in some

Wolfgang, what are u talking about, where did u get this foolish information, islam stands like the most growing religion in the world

when Christianity was 14 or 15 hundred years old in Europe, many thousands were killed for not converting to Christianity or being a Muslim or Jew. Remember learning about the crusades? Muslim, Christian, and Jews lived in Jerusalem in relative peace, until European Christians arrived and then there was war.

Wolfgang, and yet we still have suicide bombers!?