What was the first type of product sold by Amazon?
Correct answer: Books
When my husband and I first started buying stocks around 1997, we had a chance to buy some amazon stock for $15 a share. He nixed the idea. Yes, I remind him a few times a year. 😥😄
This company has ruined the brick and motar stores. and has become a monopoly that's ruining everything we know and like about the community.
Player Teresa611
Is this a quiz answer, or a promotional piece for Amazon?
When I was in college, I bought used text books from Amazon. They were much cheaper than the school bookstore.
Crazy how much it's grown
I worked at a book distributing warehouse in NJ. Amazon put them out of business real quick. And we helped them do it. Slit our own job throats.
Player #62752956
Dee, Amazon didn’t create the etail trend. They capitalized on it. It would have happened anyway.
Player Teresa611, it is a valid question. But so far no one had mentioned the Nook!