A fairy is a mythical creature found in which folklore?

Correct answer: Celtic and German

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #1137636
Player #1137636
I adore faeries, but watch out! Many of the members of the fae community may Not have your best interest in mind.
Satya Tang
Satya Tang
I think 'fairies' are there in mythical stories in almost all countries, not only European, German or French.
new info for me.thanks
Maman Moustique
Maman Moustique
All options are Correct, as almost every culture has some form of fairies in its folklords.
Player #32880649
Player #32880649
Best not to mess with the Gentry
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
K O T K, If you believe clap your hands. Everyone clap your hands!
Satya Tang, yes I agree with you.