Which sport made Shaquille O'Neal famous?
Correct answer: Basketball

baymax, what else would it be!!!

little b, i am good at basketball

little b
i am good at basketball 🏀

He is so great with the younger generation. I always see him talking with the younger generation. I know he gave away many pairs of his big shoes. I wish he would be teacher he would be excellent …. Maybe quest star on Elementary as a coach so a teacher

Great baller and Great Humanitarian

Los Angelos Lakers baby.

Mars V
baymax, He has a doctorate in education. Maybe he should teach kindergarten.

Sheriffe, he's in every other commercial on US TV.

He's doing mind numbing ads for a betting company in Australia and politically being touted as a spokesman for an Australian aboriginal initiative just because he's black. Please, please find something for him to do somewhere else, it's SO embarrassing.

what else would it be!!!

the picture helps give you a big clue! if thou can't see it, he's got a person doing a slam dunk on his top