Which surname did Constantine II, the former King of Greece, adopt to get his Greek passport?
Correct answer: He refused to adopt a surname
How could they strip away his Greek citizenship just because he wouldn't choose a surname? It seems like there must be more to this story.
Player #41081547
This doesn't sound right to me. It's pretty nasty for the present government of Greece to confiscate his property, ask him to change his name etc. It's very harsh.
Player #25874027
Player #41081547,
Think that you can guess in whose pockets his property ended up
Greek people dislike having a royal family to govern the country yet for decades they keep on voting the members of the same three families of politicians for prime ministers...
Lost IQ
Scotti, not about surname - stripped of citizenship and would NOT issue a Greek passport without a surname! More to story than “ousting” a monarch!
Charlie Bravo
The government obviously had no love for the former king.
Scotti, slot more.
Tremain White
Player #41081547, yeah how charming that some few persons within gvt take any 'fun' in repeatedly removing the property belonging to any chosen victim... if only such were harder to believe.
Player #61806359
Me been Greek """""""
Player #50989930
that's a long surname😂 lol
Flying Cookie
I don't know about the "leader" and this case but we - greek people- are indeed kind of anti- royals.
Ananya Shukla
I don't know this answer
Player #2512936
Why not just use Hellenes as his last name?