Which of these is true about the name of Charlotte Bronte's eponymous heroine "Shirley"?
Correct answer: At the time it was considered a man's name

Roy Howitt
That reminds me of British wrestler "Big Daddy," his real name was Shirley Crabtree. l bet he got some ribbing at school for that.

John Wayne's 1st name is Marion.

Amazing that the names Evelyn, Beverly, Dora, etc. were known as male names years ago!

Miss Sue
"and don't call me Shirley", one of best movie lines ever.

Donna, Dora is only a shortened version of a Russian name Agafodor which is male but otherwise seems to be female. Evelyn Waugh was a male writer in the 20th century

Globular Martian
Roy Howitt, Also the first name of John Wayne.

Donna, John Wayne's really name was Marion

Roy Howitt, maybe that's why he. examen a wrestler

Parents should think twice before giving their children weird names. The parents may think it is original, but the poor child is burdened for life.

Roy Howitt, you beat me to that comment 🤣