Who gave Queen Elizabeth II a wedding present of a piece of cotton lace they spun themselves?
Correct answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Player #39521653
Mahatma Gandhi a man of peace and self respect

Player #1137636
Maybe there is still hope for the human race.

Clown Boss
how did Ghandi have time to create the shawl for the wedding after arriving for it, I wonder

Clown Boss, A shawl and a handkerchief are two separate things and a handkerchief wouldn’t take as long.

Clown Boss, actually it doesn't say that he gave it to them on the wedding day. It stands to reason for gifts to be sent at a separate time to the ceremony.

Mahatma Gandhi is a brave freedom fighter of India

Simone, Not to mention loin cloth and crowned jewels?

Nerak 7
Interesting information. You wonder how many gifts the Queen received in her lifetime.

Player #1137636, just a flicker

Gandhiji may Live long!

Player #1137636, Doubtful, after 02/24/2022.

gifted from a man of peace and re-gifted to a man who spews hatred. 😡

Player Bengal Mama
Clown Boss, Perhaps he had it with him and just decided, "This will do."

Clown Boss, that is Gandhi not ghandi

TaureanTrish, indeed lovely hashana!!!!

Player #37916930
Clown Boss, I was wondering the same thing too.

TaureanTrish, lol...the ultimate regifting.

Raj Vikram Singh
Mahatma Gandhi is a true indian, Proud to be the citizen of India and India is the Motherland of our