Which popular 20th century rock guitarist intentionally set his guitar on fire while performing on stage?
Correct answer: Jimi Hendrix

Another amazing artist that ruined his life with drugs. Saw him perform once!

Player #49699886
One of the greatest guitarist who left this world too soon and too young

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
Saw him preform as warmup for the Monkees on New Years Day 1967 in Nashville. It is great to have this memory at the age of 16.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
kkkkk, The post-mortem examination concluded that Hendrix aspirated his own vomit and died of asphyxia while intoxicated with barbiturates.

His death was extra sad, because he wasn't trying to kill himself and he did have severe sleeping problems, like many people, he overestimated how many pills he could take, I don't think he'd been drinking either, very sad !! He wasn't a typical druggie rock star. ☹️☹️☹️☹️



Byrde Alpha Bitch
kkkkk, No, I believe you are thinking of Bob Marley.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Jimi is a Rock-N-Roll & Guitar God according to the music majority within the music business. His rendition of The U.S.A. National Anthem is so iconic; it brings a tear to my eye & breaks my heart all over again, everytime I hear it; even to this day. He was gone far too soon, robbing the music world of countless musical possibilities. Jimi R.I.P. (Rock In Paradise)

Player #29152846
I would have thought a better gesture would to have signed it and given it to a fan in the audience.