Where is Victoria Falls located?
Correct answer: On the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe

i love this water falls very much

Proudly Zambian right here😊❤️

The option answers should have been only from Africa to make it harder to get the right answer. It is a wonderful thing to see even if only in pictures and documentaries.

Hunger Knowledge
No alien from another part of the 🌍 world should name ANY LAND that's not part OR from that LAND..that river should be named by the citizens of that LAND

my friend Christine Scott is feom Zimbabwe 🇿🇼

The answer is confusing: "neither the highest nor the widest" but the largest sheet of falling water. Aren't all waterfalls sheets of falling water? Logically this would qualify Victoria Falls as also the widest falls too. Its splendor is enhanced upstream, in plateaus

it's in Zambia but can be seen from the Zimbabwe side

It is a beautiful waterfall 🏞️