What is the name of a cartoon princess whose hair contains a magical flower’s healing properties?
Correct answer: Rapunzel

That's not how the original story goes. When Rapunzal's mother was pregnant with her she had her husband steal some lettuce from the next door neighbor whom happened to be a witch. The witch found out and said she will take the child when it is born. The witch named the baby after the item which was stolen that happens to be the rapunzal lettuce. There's more to the story but there's a lack of writing. The original story is much more gruesome the Tangled as were all the stories back then.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair so I may climb the golden stair .

Pink Princess
LegoDad, what you say is correct but do take note that the writer did say that it was 'loosely' based on the original story

LegoDad, Yeah I think I prefer the Disney version thanks

Lego Dad thanks 😊😊

LegoDad, .....true

The Rapunzel flower is a real flower by the same name, it’s quite beautiful. You should look it up