In which country is iguana meat a traditional food?
Correct answer: Mexico

I witnessed iguanas being sold and prepared as food in Honduras. Since I have had pet iguanas, the horror of that image is seared in my brain!!!

frank, China has colder winters

Calabtangan' Boyoyong, It's amazing how many things are supposed to taste like chicken.

toothless beachrat
There was a song by the band "Wall of Voodoo" who had a song called "Mexican Radio". The song makes reference to "being in Tijuana eating barbecued Iguana" which helped me make my choice.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Ironic, in the Philippines a similar class of reptile called 'bayawak' monitor lizard is regulated and not allowed for consumption, although in reality in the countryside locals consider this as a delicacy, close to the taste of a chicken meat.

Now I know why the iguana was tied up in Tennessee Williams Night of the Iguana.