What is the activity of gliding through the air wearing an open parachute while being towed by a motorboat?

Correct answer: Parasailing

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player Tina
Player Tina
I did that once/awesome! ,but once is enough for me. The best experience I ever had was swimming with the Dolphins🐬 💖
Fun to do, did it on Catalina Island!
Yknip 7
Yknip 7
I took my mom parasailing last summer, to celebrate her 93rd birthday. It was her sixth time! We both love it. A very "gentle" activity!
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
I did it while on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 1989. I took a disposable camera up with me and got some great pictures while I was in the air. I landed somewhat close to some rocks which was a little unsettling.
I have done this and have no idea how to swim.. I was young and didn't think about landing in the water!
it is correct I searched in the google it shows the answer that it is diving . Don't fool me or else I complain this to supreme court of india because I am the daughter of President.