This 1963 Pulitzer Prize-winning photo shows a Buddhist monk burning himself to death in which city?
Correct answer: Saigon, South Vietnam

Player Bengal Mama
This was profoundly striking photo but the one that made me cry, still do, was of a little girl running down the street on fire. She'd been hit by Napalm. She did not choose to do this, she was not showing the world her devotion...I think they called this collateral damage. I was maybe 14 at the time, will never forgive whoever it was that ordered the dropping of the bomb. Not the air man that dropped it, his commander. I've known enough soldiers that still suffer from what happened there. They were trying to be men of honor.

That poor, poor man...

Player Say what!?
Oh my gosh - I remember that and I was just a kid. Talk about devotion to one's beliefs!

Player Bengal Mama, she wasn't actually on fire. She had been burned by napalm and her clothes had burned off, but she wasn't on fire at the time the picture was taken

Player Say what!?, it is not devotion to one’s beliefs, it is standing up for your rights…..though the path chosen was sadly not right, but what can one do when the system is used for one’s persecution!

Player Bengal Mama, I remember this too. so sad.

Player Bengal Mama, that picture spurred the anti-war effort at home. Everyone had the same reaction as you. This was when we finally understood that not just soldiers were dying and being wounded in every way.

Lunarsea, 2nd Nove 63...wasn't President John F. Kennedy assassinated the 22nd November 1963? Could there be a link?

Player #50713235
Chris, yes for sure it's all linked. Vietnam, Cuba, and his resistance to war. Watch Oliver Stone's JFK. it's incredibly accurate.

Player Bengal Mama, I think the one that you're thinking of with the little girl having been burnt very greatly, was when they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

That reminds me - how is Putin?

Miss Sue
Player Bengal Mama, Yup, that image will haunt me until death.

GreenOnion40545, he didn't say she was on fire!

Player Bengal Mama, my late husband was one of those soldiers. He suffered from the effects of his participation in that war until it drove him to an early death.

GraceSpace, he wasn't the only person there. There were others. There's no place for blame here.

Player #33292972
Player Bengal Mama, me too, that little girl running down the street on fire was a picture I could never put out of my mind. She didn’t sit and have gasoline poured over her and set on fire, that was a decision that monk made for himself which was a horrible thing to see but she didn’t have a say in anything that happened to her she was just a child and should have been having fun doing what children do not a child just trying not to be killed by being set on fire.

Brock (+ sometimes Pamo)
Rage against the machine used a close up of this image for an album cover. But dissapointing, they did not reference or credit it anywhere in the sleeve notes

Lunarsea, Yes. I've not ever Understood HOW ANY photographer just stands by, does Nothing? to get 'a shot' worth lotsa money?????

William, yes I remember seeing an article about that same girl as a grown woman. The photo was very disturbing. I do hope though that her life into adulthood and beyond wasn't hounded by people and organisations interested in her story.