In the animated film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", which poisonous fruit did Snow White eat?

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Player #41584065
Player #41584065
It was a poisoned fruit not a poisonous fruit.
But you know that saying vengeance is gods sayeth the lord and in the Old Testament in the Bible it says eye for an eye an tooth for a tooth? Well, one more saying it’s people will reap what they sow which means they will create their own harvest and when they do it comes at them hard. Which means the witch thought she would try to be intelligent and try to kill Snow White and that failed her miserably. The witch did poison Snow White but then got struck by lightning and fell off a cliff. Snow White lived. That’s usually how you reap what you sow. You do something mean it comes back on ya.
Arohanui, 😭
A kid of 5 years also knows the answer.
vamsi krishna
vamsi krishna
thanks to bts
Ha, is this based on the cartoon or the actual story?