Which is the deepest of the Great Lakes?
Correct answer: Lake Superior

Bird Brain 007
So how deep is it?

Read "A Superior Death" by Nevada Barr and you'll get hooked on her. She writes mysteries around park ranger Anna Pigeon and each book takes place in a different National Park.

It's 406 meters deep

awesome sue
Lake Superior is my favorite great Lake. I live on Lake Michigan but visiting Superior was great! A must see.

On November 10, 1975, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore freighter, was sunk in Lake Superior. All 29 souls were lost that cold, stormy night.
Shortly after the sinking, Gordon Lightfoot wrote and sung the song labeled, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald." A sad recount of what was the life and death of those brave sailors.

funny they would not mention the depth

the name says it all lol

So many lovely places to see so little time and money to do it.

Bird Brain 007, 1332 ft

Bird Brain 007, it is 1,333 feet at its deepest and averages to be about 485 feet (147 meters) :)

Guillermo, most polluted

awesome sue, Definitely! My father grew up in Duluth so we visited there often when I was young. Superior is beautiful! We never went in winter but Dad used to tell about ice skating on the Lake, many stories. He was born in 1911 so a lot was different in the 1960s! Beautify country. Lots of bugs lol! (Native PNWer here!)

CleanTeam845, meter equals 39 inches

WaldoLydeker, that is a very good book to read

Player #117527796
Bird Brain 007, yes what is the depth of Lake Superior 🤔

Vellie annette
WaldoLydeker, I love her books.

Player #92723922
How does airborne transport pollute a lake?

Roy , nope it sank in Lake Superior off of Whitefish Point. There’s even a museum at Whitefish Point for her.

Duck1967, The ship's bell was recovered, and in a solemn ceremony with family in attendance, it was rung 29 times for each soul that was lost.

Mandy, a buddy and I camped on the shore of the lake over night, we had a 12pk of beer that we put in the water , in the morning the couple that were left were still ice cold

I live in Minnesota and have been to Lake Superior many times it is beautiful

WaldoLydeker, great tip, thanks!

awesome sue, I swam in Lake Superior in late July when it was 90° and it was the coldest lake/water I've ever swam!

I'm from northern Minnesota fairly close to Lake Superior it's a really beautiful place lots of trees

CleanTeam845, if only 405 meters deep, that's not enough water to cover both north and south America one feet deep.

During winter, the waves create massive ice walls. 20ft.+

Player #46965921
Three quadrillion gallons. enough to cover N and S America by one foot!

WaldoLydeker, Her books are fabulous! Since each park has unique features they have very diverse plots.

Duck1967, And all the royalties went to their surviving families.

Joyous one
Jaymz The B., you can also change the difficulty lvl

Bird Brain 007, 1,333 feet

The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead.

I was born in Hancock, MI right by Lake Superior.
From what I've read, you could fit all 4 of the other Great Lakes in Superior and still have room to spare, it's THAT deep!

Duck1967, He donated the royalties to the families of the fallen

Duck1967, searchers found the wreck quite a few years ago

Player #38618593
Why is that? As the glaciers moved south and dug the Great Lakes, they melted, so was each successive lake dug a bit shallower? Isn't Superior northernmost?

Dragon Butter 23
It swallows ships and men, the most famous of which was made famous by Gordon Lightfoot and was called "The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald." A beautiful, haunting song of the men who lost their lives and who are still buried at the bottom of Lake Superior.

Alexandra Kendall
Duck1967, Also he didn't make any money on the song. He donated all the royalties to the families of the crew.

Alexandra Kendall
Duck1967, And the royalties from that song went the crew's survivors.

Orville Parker Gildock
I remembered the song lyrics to Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald...