When did the United Kingdom leave the European Union (EU)?

Correct answer: 31 January, 2020

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
More info for the UK to leave EU: 1. Sovereignty: Many in the UK felt that EU membership undermined the country's ability to make its own laws and control its borders, prioritizing a desire for national self-governance. 2. Immigration: Concerns about the free movement of people, a core EU principle, led to debates over immigration levels and their impact on jobs, housing, and public services. 3. Economic Factors: Critics argued that the UK was contributing more to the EU budget than it received and that it could negotiate better trade deals independently. 4. Political Division: Euroscepticism had been growing within the UK for years, driven by political parties like the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and some Conservative MPs. 5. 2016 Referendum 6. Cultural Identity: A desire to reclaim a distinct national identity separate from European integration influenced many voters. Hence, the UK left the EU on that day
Player #5526107, I don't care much for the UK, but the EU is evil.
An utter waste of time, effort and money causing upheaval to millions.
Player #5526107
Player #5526107
Player #8372981, so that's because they want to negotiate again with EU (ironic)