What do the Japanese use furoshiki cloth for?
Correct answer: To wrap and transport goods

I often seen them used in shaolin movies, but didn't know what it was. thanks for a great game

Softer than Tupperware

little b
i dont use to wrap and transport goods

alima rea arema
I just guessed that 😛😂

Thanks for the giveaway long answer

Confetti Stardust
Arohanui, yeah... thanks picture!

Nico Robin
We eat japanese food

i love this game wholeheartedly I learn a lot from this game ❤️🥺

I love this game ♥️

annu pandey
it is odd man out of the day happy birthday beta God bless you all time happy birthday beta God bless you all time happy birthday beta God

annu pandey
is it possible to ty

Curiosity, what is the wheels for sale in the hospital and she said yes I know that is that

that was Bogus!

it's hard

afifa afzaal
Lux, hy what are you doing man

anantika prayashi
thanks for given pics it really helps to answer

Just notice that every option with 'and' is always the correct answer. Also the longest word or sentence

Love to hate me
I love Japanese food

picknick is a very very important place to eat you can see a duck good place

Diamond ice hashira 🎐
I love food from Japan

Vanessa Alicea
Lux, same!

anime helped me on this one lol