When is a Caesarian section used?
Correct answer: During childbirth

Player #22524499
only 10.000 babies born in the U.S. in 2019? that can't be right!

need some fact checking on this one

My youngest granddaughter was born via emergency C-section. Labor had stopped, daughter's blood pressure was going sky high & baby was in distress. Both are fine now, almost a year later. ❤️

Player #27738409
I thought the procedure was named after Julius Caesar .

Player #27738409, I was led to believe the same

There were about 3.7 million babies born in the US in 2019

But it said "a third of roughly 10k babies were via C-section"?

My 3kids where C-section

Mrs busybody
Player #46835611, I’ve had 4 of them for the same reason although advised to have no more than 3! 4th one was a surprise and the best ever. I love them all to bits but the last is all any parent could ask for. 🥰

I think that 10,000 babies were born by Caesarean; not 10,000 babies altogether.

Player Teresa611
It’s called a Caesarean because of a belief that the ancient Roman Emperor Caesar was “from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d”, to quote Shakespeare’s account of it.

Player #27738409, 😂🤭

Player #24773265
Got it right straight away
why? because I've had 2 of them

Player #2512936
Player #27738409, It was since he was The first to ne born that way.

I didn't even know the answer I just guessed