As of July 2021, which billionaire has made history by being a part of the first unpiloted suborbital flight?
Correct answer: Jeff Bezos

Player #96919
It's crazy how much wealth these people amass when there is so much poverty in the world.

Player #96919, especially with the waste that amazon cause all the goods that they send to land fill in the UK what a terrible disaster for our planet not his play ground.

Player Say what!?
Player #96919, His wealth is grotesque and his need to satisfy his huge ego is insulting. When I read many years ago how he formed his company, I vowed to never use it.

And how much does he donate? The man shows no care for the needs of others.

One thing I can say his wife has given allot of her money away. I really respect her.

We tend to criticize people with great wealth because they don't do good things for humanity. But people that chase wealth do it because they really love money. These people dig money more than their own families and friends, they get real buzz in having the most toys. A person like that can hardly be expected to give a hoot about other people and their problems.