How many acres of the Amazon rain forest are being destroyed everyday due to deforestation as of July 2021?

Correct answer: About 200,000 acres of rain forest every day.

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Why does the answer suggest reducing paper consumption when the major % of usage of the land deforested is from cattle ranching and agriculture to feed those animals? Seems suggesting avoiding the cattle industry (meat and dairy) would be most heful.
Tragic beyond comprehension. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the US government intervene in wars and natural disasters both domestic and foreign? Is this not a war on nature!? We should be focusing our attention to this more than we already are. The armed forces need 1 more! A nature force. And by the way 200,000 acres is 312.5 sq. miles. I drive to my relatives who live that distance away and it takes me 3 hours doing 75 mph.
While this is a tragedy, is it not hypocritical of us to point the finger at Brazil? in 1300AD, Europe was virtually one great oak forest. Over 5 million square kilometres (1.2 billion acres) have been cleared, the majority for agriculture (along with cities, roads, industry etc). Similar shocking figures exist in most nations on Earth.
…destroyed every day…, not everyday. Everyday is an adjective: everyday meals, everyday shoes, everyday job. You eat meals every day. You wear shoes every day. You go to your job every day.
bribiepete, We need to start in our own back yard, today.. Plant native species, reclaim areas we have damaged.
Do we have the right to tell anyone how to run their Country ?
Mars V
Mars V
Once we destroy ourselves the planet will heal.
Player #29100022
Player #29100022
Jane8, nearly all our paper comes from pine wood, which is renewable, since it grows so fast. I agree with you.
Player #37053849
Player #37053849
Player #38310763, genesis 8:22 stop worrying.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Kiwozzie, Because they want the same lifestyle you have . Also the Amazon rainforest only provides about 10% of the world oxygen . The problem is that cutting down a tree releases its CO2 into the atmosphere
Player #33161631
Player #33161631
Tony_M_603-NH-Dover, and you'd still be an hour and ten minutes away from your relative's house!
Player: Coco
Player: Coco
Player #10100141, I agree, and cattle ranching is actually the culprit of greenhouse gases/emissions - but no one wants to stop raising cattle for meat.
Ðoes anyone know of any universal groups who we can partition and try to stop this madness? NO politicians seem to be interested in stopping this damage to "Our" Planets lungs. Surly, you reading this don't want these trees to just be ripped from the ground and sold to the highest bidder? It's Time To Act Now! 🌴🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
That is a travesty. How can their governments allow this to happen? How can humanity let this happen? They are the "lungs of the Earth!"