What was the English ship Mayflower famous for?
Correct answer: It transported English families to the New World

papa bear
changed the world 🌎 forever

Player #3761213, you clearly don't know your history, the pilgrims left for America because they were exiled after seperating from the english Church, half of them died during the 1st winter. Plymouth massachusets is named after Plymouth, Devon in the UK. the american tradition of thanksgiving is because of the pilgrims. but they were so barbaric!!!!

I've seen a replica of the boat in the UK. It's so small! Can not imagine what they went through.

I have the monument for the mayflower right outside my window

Player #47203295
Player #3761213, That’s how land was won in those days. Not just America, all over the world. Only the strong survive!

Noah Legroom
I've heard it said that most of the problems in the United States can be traced back to Native American's inadequate immigration policies. Hahahaha

Player #136569400
Player #47203295, still true.

Player #136569400
Gemma, of necessity.

Giggle pig
Note: 1620. Virginia had the first Thanksgiving in 1619.

Perhaps wars go on because of the attitudes of many people.

Player #47203295, My 10x great great grandfathers were on that ship William Bradford who became Govenor and Richard Warren

I wish it had drowned there and then. The world would not have seen so many wars and still going on.

The Speedwell was also there, it sank as I recall just after it left harbour

i really thought there would be one piece reference in the comments

The pilgrims left for religious freedom!

Was going to choose the first option, but then decided to choose the longest one XD