The city of Kyiv (or Kiev) is the capital of which country?

Correct answer: Ukraine

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Errol, it's too late now. it's being attacked by the Russians as I type this. let's hope a cease fire can be worked out for the sake of all of Ukraine. Putin is out of control.
Player #41024305
Player #41024305
The world must come together to stop the unacceptable invasion of a sovereign nation. If we don't, I'm afraid history has taught us nothing.
Abbey Road
Abbey Road
I guess that explains why Russia wants to take it. I hope Putin fails. The loss of lives is heartbreaking.
And now Kyiv is hosting unwanted warmongers from Russia
God Bless the Ukrainian people!
I've heard how beautiful this city is but looking at the news, there'll be nothing left of it sadly. Putin has a lot to answer for 🤬
yoolangki suting
yoolangki suting
Hail Ukraine hail! we love you.
I've always wanted to visit this beautiful city if only for the culture and the hospitality of the citizens. I've heard nothing but good things about it.
Player #32180946
Player #32180946
now I know why Putin wants it back. But it still not right that he's invading. i hope Russia fails.
At this point of time it's been bombarded by the Russian army. In fact it's TV station just attacked this morning. Very sad.
The Russians will fail if the spineless United Nations would put together a troup force of various nations to repel the invaders. Isn't that why America has all their high-tech weapons? To keep the peace in the world...
Player #54731451, What they lack is courage! Where is the famous resolve of the US? Human rights indeed.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
PewDiePie, and you have your reward.
Sonia, the Kiev Rus which is where Russia and Ukraine both originated was mainly a Ukrainian civilisation.
And it's still standing 🇺🇦
Republic of Taiwan
Republic of Taiwan
Chișinău is capital of Moldova Minsk is capital of Belarus Riga is capital of Latvia
Republic of Taiwan
Republic of Taiwan
Cool cat, Both are acceptable. Kiev is Russian version and Kyiv is English version
RICK-N-BACHER, hard to believe he's a Libra.
But season 6 of Vikings told me it's in Russia 😂
Neil Fernandez
Neil Fernandez
RICK-N-BACHER, yeah true he's out of control
RICK-N-BACHER, that is finished now no need to say that
There was no russian empire in 9th century, it appeared in 18th. Where are you taking this info from?? Kyiv really had big importance in trade and relations with European countries in 9th century, it’s just russia has nothing to do with it, it didn’t even exist yet as it is.
Player #48249891
Player #48249891
This is not a war the Russian people asked for. This is Putin and his group of the ultra rich, grabbing what they feel threatened by. I feel for Ukraine, but also feel for the suppression of the Russian people, who if they speak up are thrown in jail. Somehow we must support them so they can stand up and fight against Putin and with Ukraine.
i believe it has been destroyed now. i am not sure tho, ive been a hater of Putin since the war. good bless ukrainian ppl!❤️💞
Player #41024305, the world didn't come together when the US and the West did so much worse. History will continue to teach governments nothing.
I know this because of the war... sad
Today a mass grave was found in Marioupol city as Russian soldiers advance to take over the city. A sad day for Ukraine.
Player #35387966
Player #35387966
It's wonderful to understand the history of this city. We must do everything possible to ensure that these Ukrainians are not overrun by the unwelcomed Russians. The only thing needed for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing.
This is the capital with a large army
greg joe
greg joe
now we must pray Ukraine to stop this non usefull war against russia it can damage our planet and our childrens future.
Ng Heng Chong
Ng Heng Chong
Cool cat, Wow thanks! I never knew that!
Player #17112183
Player #17112183
but Lepensky leading his army is all courageous
Player #17112183
Player #17112183
it has been destroyed now with Putin's invasion. We are on the brink of WW III and if we don't stay alert the Russians will be in California. Arm yourselves!
Player #25405134
Player #25405134
Such a happy explanation before…what’s going on now. God bless them!!🙏
Player #57722044
Player #57722044
Abbey Road, he wants to take it because it was their's in the first place and because Ukraine wants to sign with NATO . Putin's not havin it ! And yes the loss of life is heartbreaking . I just want to know where all this energy was/is for palatine and the Uyghurs . didn't hear a peep from anyone !
while all comments here are about sending prayers and sympathies for Ukraine, I just dont understand the people who tapped the thumbs down button on these. excuse me we are all trying to be humane here!
Errol, it a shame what is happening to that beautiful city today. May there be a cease fire and peace in Ukraine.
Cool cat
Cool cat
And I also doubt that it is correct to say “First Russian empire”, because it’s usually referred as Kyivan Rus, there was no such thing as Russia back then. Moscow was founded only by 12th century.
Cool cat
Cool cat
It’s Kyiv. Not Kiev.
my paternal grandfather was from kyiv . my other relatives were from Russia before they became the soviet union. sometimes at family gatherings. they would talk about the late czar in derogatory terms.