The Latin phrase "post hoc fallacy" means which of the following?
Correct answer: After this, therefore because of this

🖕🏿I will take condum and with them take of the clothes of the all girls and do sex and then I will say all to dance and then I will say them to taste my pensis and the I will drink milk of them

The translation of the correct answer is actually "post hoc ergo propter hoc."

The picture

the ruler of the world
even though they know latin phrases meaning .. they are dressed disgusting!! wonder 🤔 why won't they wear swim suits??

Tina's twin
Stormsurge66, thoroughly enjoyed that show & enjoy learning Latin

cute baby 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I can't understand from given examples lol🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨