In the TV series "Cheers", what sport did Sam Malone once play professionally?
Correct answer: Baseball

Player Say what!?
I was in the audience and watched a taping when Nick (coach) was still on. He kept flubbing a funny line, but by the 3rd take, not so funny anymore and the director told us to our best to laugh as if we hadn't heard it yet. A very interesting and fun experience.

toothless beachrat
I met George Wendt, as one of my friends had grown up with their families being friends for many years in Illinois. What a gracious and kind guy!

I loved that show and watched it every week.

In my opinion, the best thing to come out of Cheers was Frasier Crane and that adorable barracuda, Lilith. I have every episode of "Frasier" that features BeBe Neworth.

one of the lines I still remember was when Sam asked his friend "what do you say to a beer?" The answer was "going down."

One of my Favorite shows ever ❤️

Never watched Cheers. Guessed wrong

Green Machine, it's your loss

Player Say what!?
Green Machine, You're joking, right?