A rugby union match is divided into what number of periods?

Correct answer: 40-minute halves

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Player #25874027
Player #25874027
The two codes of Rugby are Rugby Union and Rugby League . Originally in England , Rugby Union was an amateur game played by professional or wealthier people who could afford to take time out for injuries etc , while Rugby League was played by working people who were paid to play . There is generally a North /South divide with League played in the North and Union in the South . Players who played Union and then went to League were then banned from returning to Union. That has changed since Union also became a paid professional game .
Sheriffe, 😂
I prefer rugby union over league. It's just more exciting to watch IMO. Either are far more entertaining than American Football though.
Knodel1958, Watch some football played by the Canadian Football League (CFL). It's a great game.
Rugby Union was a game for thugs played by gentlemen and Rugby League was a game for thugs played by thugs, or so the saying went. I used to help our our local Combined Services RU team. We hosted some of the crew of an American destroyer and took them to a game against the local New Zealand side, the most of them extremely large Maori. They were flabbergasted that it was played for so long and without any protective clothing.