Which TV series follows an investigation by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper into the murder of Laura Palmer?
Correct answer: Twin Peaks

if it was listed among the greatest series of all time, why was it canceled after 2 years?

PC, very true!!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Twin Peaks was a great series, very memorable, even if it wasn't a long lived series, it broke ground in several areas. Was not turned on to it until after the series was completed. The VHS set with both extra "mini movies/extended episodes" (depending on your own definition), is great to binge. So much better that way, try it, you might like it better that way. As for Lynch, he is man that is definitely "out of the box" & his body of work as a whole is astounding, full of risk taking, pushing the envelope & a dedication to the art of film & entertaining.

RICK-N-BACHER, think of the original Star Trek!

Player Say what!?
Player Jellybean, The iconic opening scene intrigued me enough to watch. Quit after the first season cause it got boring and had no end in sight.

Cookie Bean, mine too, tho I've never seen Seinfeld, twin peaks that music was haunting wasn't it?

Why did so many people pick Sherlock? It says FBI 😂