In which century did Earth's southernmost continent officially get its name "Antarctica"?

Correct answer: 19th

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
I knew a guy who had worked at the science station there.
Easier to study the way it is depicted.
Player #31753367
Player #31753367
Goblin, So agree get totally mesmerised and ' lost' for hours studying early maps...Incredible how accurate they were. Also find it irritating that with many flat maps Continents are not accurately sized. Deconstruct the stand of one of your Globes and invert it ?? OK all writing wrong ...But Hey Ho
Goblin, just buy one and flip it 😊
I love maps and globes. I really want a globe that has Antarctica on the top; there is no reason to believe that is Not the way it is seen if you were a newcomer to our solar system. The geographical and Domineering 'global north' is just a construct of rich humans.