Which cast member of "The Big Bang Theory" is an eminent neuroscientist in real life?

Correct answer: Mayim Bialik (Amy Farrah Fowler)

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Player #29684811, exactly! Dictionary definition eminent /ˈɛmɪnənt/ adjective 1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere. "one of the world's most eminent statisticians"
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #38618593, Not in English! Sceptic is correct .
She played the young Bette Midler’s character in “Beaches”. Brilliant actor and scientist.
Player #38618593, it should probably "a sceptic" or "sceptical" though?
Player #52878863
Player #52878863
she played Blossom on tv as a teen
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
Mayim is a very attractive woman out side of Big Bang and was great as a young actor in Beaches. That's where her talent hooked me.
Edie, Yes, go where the money pays best. Look at Carl Sagen.
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Player #38618593, I'm assuming the author is British or Australian where they have different spelling of many words.
Edie, didn't know this. thanks for sharing
Player #29684811, many actors and actresses have advanced degrees. Dolphin Lundgren is one, and I wouldn't criticize until you have a PhD.
Didn't she play Blossom all those years ago??
Player #29684811, see the penultimate paragraph. That is working in the area of her degree.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #29684811, She was an actor before she was a neuroscientist.
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
stookdog, you've really missed the point, haven't you!? The point is about the use of the word "eminent" not about an actor/actress having a degree.