What typically travels out of the human body faster than 100 miles/hr?
Correct answer: Sneeze

how do you measure the speed of a sneeze?

flying in an airplane makes me sneeze. from california to Texas, I sneezed at LEAST once every minute the entire way. it was awful!

Player #25874027
Filmed and analysed

Anni, Please let us know when you're flying next 🤣

Excuse the Kuz
Yep, germs travel fast.

little b
i sneeze

Player #96890951
Anni, Another variation of °AIR - CIRCULATION !

Player #97184361
We now live in a sort of modern world anything can be measured even a sneeze. I have sneezing episodes because of my allergies and it can lasts for hours if I don’t dont upped the over the counter medication till suddenly the sneezing stops. ! ! !

Anni, then in fact your sneezes traveled faster than 100mph given the plane was moving!

Adam, uh... you mean been!

it's bin tested and 100mph is wrong it's actually closer to 30mph

Byrde Alpha Bitch
baymax, The explanation does not say that someone cannot sneeze at night. However, it does state that someone cannot sneeze in their sleep. Difference.

did she sneeze at nighttime too, Donna... cos according to the blurb you can't sneeze at night.

kovila carpen
but I think it's was d