Who was Adam and Eve's first son?
Correct answer: Cain

It always amazes me that people can easily dismiss Greek and Roman mythology but this equally unbelievable story is taken as true who on earth thinks this could have been written down and passed on beggars belief.

Player Say what!?
luckycatfay, Great analogy. How did the population continue to grow? Did Jonah really live for 3 days in the stomach of a whale? So many more fairy tales.

the Bible is a book of fiction. Humans weren't created and then mated with their siblings. Humans evolved over millions of years.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Jellybean, Exactly & without he council of Nicaea, the Bible would have different stories in them depending on which area or people or sect of Christianity they were.

Cat Mom
Come on now, I know that there are lots of Christians playing this game! Where are you?

Player #107899066
Adam and Eve’s sin was their disobedience in eating fruit from the forbidden tree not their sexual experience.

Player #120374466
Cat Mom, The Bible is the only ancient book that has manuscripts that go back over 2,000 years and archeological artifacts found in the middle east that have inscriptions of historical accounts that agrees with the Bible are constantly being found.

Player #120374466
Player Say what!?, Read book of Psalms. They are comforting and King David himself wrote many of these inspired writings. Even prophesies about the Messiah.

Mark V
Great fairy tale story!

RocketBunny, Those words, "Why did you choose such a backward time, and such a strange land," are directly from the song, "Jesus Christ Superstar..."

didn't Cain kill Able?? It's hard to comprehend with the brain God gave us. To continue reproducing that had to be incesr!?!?

Player Say what!?, I think it comes down to my god is better than yours lol

There is archeological evidence that some places and people in the Bible did exist. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the best evidence of the Old Testament. There is more than one artifact that refers to the "House of King David." An inscription has been found that contains the name "Pilate," and there is also a funeral box with bones inside and the name "Caiaphas" on the outside. Archeology confirms some of the history, but it does not prove the existence of God.

Ewa, it shows the good, bad and the ugly side of human nature, that is why it's not a fairy tale!

Player #143823062
Sarah did not have a baby at 90. It represents her faith that she would have a baby and to trust God

The story of creation is obviously not true but some later bible stories have been backed up by archaeologists and historians. At the end of the day we all just believe what we want to believe. This is a very informative game and I love it. Just have fun.

Cat Mom
Player Say what!?, Yes he did because God was with him!

Cat Mom
All of you will find out soon enough! Praise the LIVING LORD- Amen

Player #14000764
they had sisters and the sons of Adam and Eve married each other to populated the earth God Almighty permitted so the world be filled

Player #14000764
Adam and Eve had daughters and Cain and S uht

luckycatfay, amuses me too