In the Bible, who built the Ark?
Correct answer: Noah

Excuse the Kuz
Snance, yeah, that's it!

little b
i love noahs ark

Yep, that must have been some boat ride. God is kind of a spiteful guy I suppose. Or maybe it was a trial and error thing.

I love watching the movie Noah! I think Russell Crowe plays as Noah in it too.

An what a great job. With each animal on board from the Lord they all came. Can I hear an Amen People's.

Diamond ice hashira 🎐
jhiewel, you know God said the whole earth should be flood because of there sin .

Player #14000764
This comment on ,who built the Ark is accredited to Bible verses, from the book of Genesis, the commentator research from historical facts as well. Jesus was not yet born, and this was not Jesus assignment. Noah was given this assignment, because of righteousness.

i know is jesus but why noah😠