Which color was the panther in the film series of the same name?
Correct answer: Pink
I liked how kato would be waiting to spring out to get him when he came home
Player #25874027
Do you ‘ave a lahcense for zat minky?
little b
i love 💕 the colour pink
I didn’t understand what the question was asking but I’ve watched pink panther all my life but I thought it was asking what color a panther was which is black!
Player #68738491
Had to stop and think
Got it right. Thought of the cartoon.
I've got the Pink Panther music playing in my head know
Byrde Alpha Bitch
linnell (she/her), Could not have been "Black Panther", currently there is only the one movie, not a series. In this day and age I am sure that will change.
linnell (she/her), I thought so at first, before re reading the question
didn't like the last pink panther films with Steve Martin in the lead role