What is the name of the first milk ejected when breastfeeding?
Correct answer: Colostrum

Player Jellybean, mothers milk is perfect food for an infant

Player #51716368
I wasn't aware that other mammals produced Colostrum, although it makes sense, now that I think about it. More women should know about this stuff before they give birth. I thought there was something wrong until a nurse explained!

breastmilk is the best

“Ejected”!??? What a bizarre description. Colostrum is PRODUCED for the newborn to drink. There is no ejection of anything! 🤣

I learned about colostrum on my 1stborn.my OB insisted that I give my baby the 1st drops of my breastmilk as it is a natural immunization, hence the colostrum.And it is true.Both my daughters seldom catch colds or flu.Even sore eyes or any seasonal illness

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
wow great life is mast life wonderful life is good 🧬🙂

first ejected don't sound good

i love mine, Cywren

Mars V
I was raised on Milkman instant. 🤪

Player #82905928
You bet it has antibodies!!! I had chicken pox after graduating high school. When I had my son a few years later, I passed on the antibodies to him. Every year he sat next to the kid who infected the whole class and NEVER caught chicken pox!!!

Miss C
This is very cool. Your milk changes according to your baby’s needs

Rick-N-Bacher, like the name. I don't play electric but if I did, it would be a Rick.

girl in the picture are you sure ? 🤔 need proof

Player #52199242
Wow sweet man 8th

Player #14000764
It's amazing how every living thing is in order of nature, functioning exactly right, I know that it is better for a baby to drink mother milk than animal milk. Cow milk is good to drink after the infant stage.

Glyn B
the girl in the picture looks happy enough though.