What kind of underwater sport became popular in the 1960s in the USA?
Correct answer: Octopus wrestling
What a horrible cruel thing to do🤬🤬
Salty Jim
Player #28825483, agreed. it's revolting
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Absolutely deplorable! Who comes up with these senseless detestable actions? Animal Sadists everyone of them!
Player Jellybean,
a person who doesn't give a toss about animal welfare,
Eden's Mommy
It's horrible thing to do. I couldn't agree more with everyone.
Ty Montgomery
The pictures y’all. Come on. Show a generic underwater picture or something.
Tremain White
what will humans come up with next? hmmm, targeting innocent humans for entertainment...
I hope the octopus wins.
That is such a horrible thing to do, to one of God's creature. They probably think it's funny, to see an octopus being abused. I think it absolutely sick. This world , the people. I'm in shock, how cruel.
Tremain White, Do the ancient Romans sound familiar ?
I wish I didn't know this.
is this still legal in America? does it happen elsewhere?
Mrs busybody
Tremain White, don’t they do that already?
Tremain White, isn't that already a thing?
The answer is in the picture
gaural dhuldhule
Player #28825483, I agree too
should not harm the animals