Which statement is used in reference to religion and belongs to Karl Marx?
Correct answer: Opium of the masses

RICK-N-BACHER, I think North Korea is a dictatorship, run by a crazy man. But imagine if all countries had a national health service free to all. If everyone had food and shelter and what they NEED and not what they WANT. I believe the world would be a better place

Ignis Consurgens, not his ideas, but the people who used them for their own gains, Stalin is only one.

Curmudgeon, American by any chance?

ask the north Korean people how communism is working for them.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Das, Hate is an ugly thing & that statement is proof.

learnt that that's what religion was in 1st year an arts d2gree in Sociology in University College Dublin

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #41118449, The quote is "There are no atheists in Foxholes" - Ernie Pyle. They wouldn't, to use your own words, "meet the Lord face to face", they would be simply deceased & fill the Guff again.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
RICK-N-BACHER, Not all of his ideas, not ideals, but ideas were terrible, such as that one stated above.