Which of the following is a popular nickname for a police officer in the US?
Correct answer: Cop

Bobby is British, it started from Robert Peel , the man who start the police force, Bobby is a shortened name for Robert

We call them cops here in Australia

the brits have a load of names for the police - the rozzers, the boys in blue, the bobbys and the peelers

Player #25232914
Bobby is British. I believe flic is French. Not sure about poli without looking it up (google it).

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Player #53375323, it's definitely not that. That's a backronym made up to fit the existing word.

Vijayanarasimha M.R., I'm fairly sure I remember "citizens on patrol" being from one of the Police Academy films

popo, fuzz, pigs

Player #45369374
DawnyC, Flic is french

Knodel1958, Jack's and Dogs are two of the printable Australian ones

Geography Kid
where's the cop? 🤣

I always heard "cop" was because of the copper buttons on the original uniforms!

I didn't know they were nicknames. I thought it was a full-fledged word from the dictionary.

Player #28825483, citizens on patrol, COP acronym.

Player #53375323
‘C’onstable ‘O’n ‘P’atrol , I thought it was just a short version for this term but I may be wrong, please let me know :)

1800's policemen in n.y.c. short for big brass copper buttons they wore?

Player #43148747, not when your, your family or/& friends need them.

Nigel S P
giggles, fuzz, busies

Thought it was Bobby tbh, I just used a hint.

Mariam naas
I was going for cop but for some reason it clicked on bobby

I would have liked to know where the other terms are used in the world.