Gulags were forced labour camps in which country?
Correct answer: Soviet Union

The Soviet Union/Russia/Communists have a practice of horribly handling people that unfortunately live in their areas. Putin is doing this again in 2022!

Player #25874027
Player #53553731,
The Gulag Archipelago was a book by the Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was awarded the Nobel Prize, probably for literature . You should read it

Indiana Real Lady, I loved a piece I read recently about Russia invading Ukraine. Welcome to 1939.

Tina's twin
Player #25874027, you musnt forget: A Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich!

Same practice under different names in China and North Korea.

Player #107279948
Pril San Pedro, True

I totally agree with you Donna Soviet Union over the years has been disgusting treatment of human beings especially the poor and dissidents of the regime
It’s an ABOMINATION to witness the pure evil that Lenin Stalin n Now PUTIN has taken it to a criminal level he has no intention whatsoever of ever giving his Countrymen or women any chance of being able to live a just healthy lifestyle

Player #25874027, I really like it when comments recommend a book! And often do check it out if I have not yet read it.

Donna, yeah exactly like US who does more horrible things under the table

Noyb, also USA DC Jan 6 political prisoners. Communist /Marxist intimidation tactics.

M, right, only in Russian.

GULAG is an acronym for "Main Administration of Camps for Corrective Labour".

just answer the longest

James, yeah well hopefully anyway unless you know any different!

Player #31753367
Player #25874027, Agree should be recommended reading on school curriculum. Heart churning. And Solzhentsyn's rewards?