Which of these words is used to describe the voluntary choice not to have children?

Correct answer: Childfree

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
I'm a child free person and boy am I glad I am!! no sleepless nights and no teenage problems either!!
Jo Aldridge, I don't think you're crazy. My daughter doesn't want children either. I respect her decision, as I respect yours. Society puts too much emphasis on "finding a partner" and "continuing the family line." Live your life, as YOU see fit, and if people harass you about having a child, tell THEM to go adopt!
Also, as an only child I did not have a charmed life. I am pleased to not have children. Others should not judge me.
Some have also taken into consideration environmental global warming and the carbon footprint of children
I'm a 56 year old woman and I've chosen not to have children. many people have judged me for this. when I was 30 I asked the doctor to tie my tubes. and she said what if a guy comes along and he wants kids? my response was that he's not the perfect guy. I think women need to think about this and what that's going to mean to their lives before they have children
I have four children and I love them to pieces and cannot imagine my life without them. But I don't understand why some people cannot accept, and criticize, others' choice to not have kids. It's their life, and they know what's best for them. Just mind your own business
I am childfree by choice. I was not I'm a good marriage during my younger years.
Let's Go Brandon!
Let's Go Brandon!
I couldn't imagine my life without my chidren, the joy and love they've brought to our lives is immeasurable. Also, I'm glad my parents weren't childless.
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
Some friends of mine would have said Anarchy.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
I think it’s a great personal choice to make in these last days. ( child free ) ! ! !