Which of these facts is true about the sun?
Correct answer: All 3 of these answers are correct
Elaine King
Yhe earth won't last that long humans will destroy it well before that
Player #9427923 eric, Before the sun's life ends, it is predicted that it will start to slowly expand. That would raise the temperature on Earth until life on Earth ends and the oceans evaporate into space. This would be around 600 million years from now, after which the expanding Sun will envelop the inner planets, including Earth.
bribiepete, I didn't realise that the Earth would be swallowed up by the sun that soon. I thought that our sun was about halfway through its "life."
It won't make any difference to humans. we will be long gone either way.
apocalypse now
doesn't matter
Player #29684811, not that it will matter to any of us in a billion years, let alone, 5 9 billion, lol. I am just going to continue to live my best life while I can and leave the science to the scientists, 😆 🤣
Player #9427923 eric, More like a different solar system or universe, so many options, according to the trivia questions, I learned, just not a super known fact whether we survey on these other earth like planets, you think by now they would know, but you never know, about the ppl in powers these days what their not telling us, these movies don't make themselves hint hint.
Quiz, well if they are unknown, how do you know?
I saw the top one but, for some reason I didn't touch it.... 😑
kyriew uwu
I knwew
Player #25874027
If the Sun is mostly hydrogen and helium , which are both lighter than air , it may have mass , but presumably very little weight . Come on you scientists give us info on that!
Player #28240886
Player #24621475 Cali, he has a very strong point though. Us humans are ruining earth & I wouldn't be surprised if we were the cause of the end
Player #24621475 Cali
Elaine King, wow you're so negative, change you're attitude and others will too😘
when in doubt select the 'all if them are correct' option
scientists may have found life on Mars
joe donut
fat old sun
that picture look like pumpkin
oh my God they will scold like this like I didn't understand please take the current answer otherwise you will get only two stars stars ok please study well and click the current answer correct answer not current
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