As WWII U.S. military officers and enlisted men, who were the Ritchie Boys?
Correct answer: German-speaking immigrants, used for counter-intelligence

Byrde Alpha Bitch
I'd like this opportunity to say... Thank You to ALL Armed Forces Service Members, past, present & future, for fighting for whatever swiftly fleeting freedoms we do have left to enjoy, before they become no more.

My Uncle Lloyd was bilingual in English and German and did espionage in German camps for the Canadian Army.

Tremain White
if only they could see the state the world is in now

Player Say what!?
OMG. Just learned of them from a report last week on CBS Sunday Morning! It was a fascinating and informative story.

Christine ~ RN
Vanessa, I speak English and Spanish. Learning another language is a challenge. I learned Spanish while working for 3 years in underserved areas on the Yucatán Peninsula. I married a wonderful man from Yucatán and became very close to his dear family. Once we had our 2 children we spoke to them in both languages. Being bilingual has been an aid for them in securing the jobs they wanted. Speaking other languages affords a person the ability to see the world in different ways. It is very enriching.

I speak 4 languages, and I believe in the global world that we live in today, being bilingual or multilingual is a skill

The Germans also recruited German-speaking Americans to do counter-intelligence for them, as well. I love history.